Own production site
Accredited to 20+ large enterprises as reliable suppliers
We participate in purchases at all well-known sites

Belt conveyors

"Well-thought-out details are an excellent whole"
The production area is more than 5000 meters.
Our company has its own design office with a total work experience of more than 50 years.
Own production facilities
Engineering services
Customer Service
It will arrive at the site on demand within 2 days.
Technical audit
We will offer measures to improve the transport line and increase productivity by up to 41%.
Why is it profitable to work with us?
The total length of conveyor lines delivered by us to the enterprises is more than 1500 km.

Belt conveyors for your business

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Company News

Новости компании

Our partners
In the period from 2018 to 2020, Transport-Electric Drive LLC is the main supplier of conveyor transport to the processing plant of SUEK-Kuzbass JSC. During this period, 23 units of belt conveyors with belt widths from 1000 mm to 1400 mm were delivered.
All the equipment was delivered on time and in full. The delivery was complex, with control, automation and frequency control systems. The delivery was accompanied by a full service service of the supplied conveyors, starting from supervising installation and commissioning to full control of the conveyor chain currently operating at the factory. The presence of a consignment warehouse at this supplier allows you to quickly solve issues related to the replacement of fast-wearing conveyor parts.
During this period of operation, no failures or comments were found in the operation of the supplied equipment from Transport-Electric Drive LLC, the conveyors have now reached the required design capacity and are proving their high operational reliability."

Kuznetsov M. M.
Chief Mechanic of the SUEK-KUZBASS Joint-Stock Company
According to the program modernization of conveyor transport of JSC SUEK-Kuzbass
, the S. M. Kirov Mine checked the technical condition of belt conveyors, which were upgraded by Transport-Electric Drive LLC.
During the inspection, there were no comments on the pairing of existing
equipment with a new one that replaced the worn-out one. All design works and technical documentation were completed in accordance with the main requirements of the terms of reference, and accepted by the mine. Further operation of the conveyor line continues with the new, increased performance indicators announced in the modernization project. There are no complaints about the operation of the new components and components supplied by this company. "

Tarasov I. G.
Senior mechanic for conveyor transport of JSC SUEK-Kuzbass " Kirov Railway Station
About our company
About our company
CompanyTransport electric drive has all the necessary certificates for the production of conveyor transport, which guarantee the quality and safety of our products.

In 2019, our company received the title of "Enterprise of the Year" , for its significant contribution to the development of the Russian economy and achievement of high economic indicators, leadership in the industry rating based on the statistical service of the Russian Federation, which once again proves our competence and professionalism.
Компания Транспорт электропривод имеет все необходимые сертификаты для производства конвейерного транспорта, которые гарантируют качество
и безопасность
нашей продукции.

В 2019 году наша компания получила звание "Предприятие года", за весомый вклад в развитие российской экономики и достижение высоких экономических показателей, лидерство в отраслевом рейтинге на основании статистической службы российской Федерации,
что еще раз доказывает нашу
компетентность и профессионализм.
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